Other Information

Important information about Julies House in Ilkley

Meal times and Menus

Children are provided with breakfast, morning and afternoon snacks, and a home cooked lunch and evening meal. The food is sourced locally as much as possible or from suppliers of fresh, high quality produce (Furniss Butcher/Baker, Regal Fish, Delifresh, McQueens Dairy) and the menu is varied and delicious, offering nutritious meals for children and staff. Our menu is tailored to the preferences and needs of the children, but also designed to encourage them to try new tastes and textures. Our mealtimes are sociable and communal, with children and practitioners sitting and eating food together, chatting and enjoying the experience.

Contracts, Fees and Funding Support

We offer a range of contracts which aim to meet the differing needs of families, including; All Year Around, Term Time Only, Wrap Around School and School Holiday Care contracts. Please get in touch if you would like details of sessions, fees etc.

The government have introduced a variety of initiatives to support parents with childcare costs, depending upon individual family circumstances. Each of these initiatives are available to use at Julie’s House and staff are available to assist parents/carers to check eligibility and complete applications to access their entitlement to childcare support. 

Early Years Funding

2-year Entitlement: from the term following the child’s second birthday families receiving financial support and benefits may be entitled to 15 hours early years funding each week. We can help you to check if this is something you can claim.

3- and 4-year entitlement: All children are entitled to 15 hours early years funding each week from the term following their third birthday. Many working families can also often receive the extended offer which increases this to 30 hours per week.

The government have directed that this funding is not expected to cover all aspects of the child’s care during these hours and pay settings a significantly reduced hourly rate as a consequence of this. At Julie’s House we request a voluntary additional service payment which is based upon hours of attendance and covers contribution towards elements such as meal provision, outings and services which are not ‘basic requirements’.

Tax Free Childcare for Working Families

If you are already registered on the childcare voucher scheme we are happy to accept these payments, if not then please consider if you are eligible to register for the new government tax free childcare scheme. You may be entitled to receive a government payment of £2 for every £8 you pay into the scheme for your childcare costs (up to £2000 per year) and can be used until the child is 12 years old (17 years old if they have a disability).

Resources to Support Children

One of the clear benefits of our open-air ethos is the connection with the natural world and the seasonal changes which support learning so strongly. However, there is much to think about too and it is critical that children are able to maintain comfort; warmth in the deepest parts of winter, and safety from overheating and burn in the hottest of summer, and all the variants in between.

The setting will provide

The setting will provide much of what is necessary for the early year’s children. (School aged children please see your dedicated information.)

We provide multiple ski suits for warmth and waterproof clothing to keep dry, as many changes as necessary each day. These are within whatever age/stage/design is appropriate, and meet the needs of all seasons of the year.

We provide wellies and wellie socks, waterproof baby shoes, winter hats and gloves, and for the summer head coverings and sun cream (factor 50).

We provide insect repellent – often required for our days out in the woods or on the moors, and a ruck sack for each child to carry their own drinks, snacks etc during outings. 

We ask families to provide

A pack of nappies which we will ask you to replenish when required.

Any milk feed with appropriate bottles etc. If you child is ready to wean we are happy to provide meals in consultation with parents/carers, or you are welcome to provide if you prefer.

We will provide all families with a recommended ‘kit list’ which will detail what type and amount of clothing is recommended to support your child and ensure they are comfortable throughout any day of the year and have adequate changes of clothing to enable them to fully immerse themselves in the learning opportunities of the day. 

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