
The Philosophy of Julie's House in Ilkley

At Julie’s House we build loving, caring relationships with children and their families, supported by our Key Person structure. 

we offer children and families a unique early year’s experience judged by Ofsted as outstanding for the last 11 years. 

Are you ready to get in touch with us?

If you have any questions for the team, please contact us.

At Julie’s house we work hard to promote a caring and nurturing environment, where staff actively encourage an atmosphere of kindness and respect.

We believe that children flourish and learn best within connected nurturing relationships, and we work hard to provide a kind and caring environment where children know that they are important and learn that others are too. 

Each child has a named key person and associate key person who are responsible for thinking deeply about them and ensuring that their emotional and developmental needs are consistently being met.

This ensures that every child knows they can really count upon the adults in the setting and provides them with a sense of security which supports them in their learning and individual challenges throughout the day. 

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“The practitioners are excellent role models who all place the children’s happiness and well-being at the heart of all they do. They place high priority on listening to children and ensuring their ideas and opinions are heard. Children learn to value and respect themselves, other people and the world in which they live” 


Your child's voice matters.

Within this emotionally safe atmosphere we are able to support children from a very early age to know that their voice matters, they are able to make choices and learn from their decisions. We work hard to help children to recognise, understand and talk about their feelings, and to develop their understanding of the feelings and behaviours of others, all based within a ‘family-like’ atmosphere. 

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Enhancing Learning Opportunities Through Friendship

As a home based setting the children who attend our early year’s services range from 1-5 years old. These children play together throughout the day and we believe this enhances their learning opportunities.

This is extended further by the children who come to the setting before and after school, many of whom have been coming since they were very young.  

The children offer each other friendship, fun, support and sometimes challenge, and so provide learning opportunities in which both younger and older children benefit.  We are able to manage this as we offer a high adult to child ratio, enabling practitioners to provide differentiated interventions and activities ensuring we meet the needs of all children at any given time.

We want to support children to be feisty, capable and confident, to believe in themselves and to be curious and brave lifelong learners.

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"We could not be happier with the care that our daughter receives at Julie’s House. From the start of our relationship with Julie and her team, we have been impressed with the communication between them and our family - from the first meet and greet before our daughter was born where they came to our house and explained what Julie’s house was all about, to the amazing daily updates and photographs of her enjoying her day learning and playing with them. The frequent reviews with our Key Person just demonstrate to us how much they all have our daughter's best interests at heart and really care for her. Everything has been superb."

Laura & Sam

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